Skjoldblad established

TotalEnergies, Iberdrola and Norsk Havvind officially announce the name of their consortium for Norwegian offshore wind: «Skjoldblad»

NHO anbefalinger for industriell satsing på havvind

En norsk havvind-satsing kan gi titusenvis av eksportarbeidsplasser og skape store verdier for Norge, sier NHO-sjef Ole Erik Almlid. Det er Norsk Havvind enige i, men da må flere av anbefalingene ikke tas til følge.

Announces guide for offshore wind coming this spring

The development of regulations within offshore renewable energy production is pioneering work. There is great interest in developing the industry and the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has received many good inputs.

Norwegian offshore wind Timeline

Since 2008, offshore wind has been a focus area within climate-friendly technology in Norway due to the opportunities to "reuse" expertise and resources from the Norwegian maritime / offshore sector