2019: The government proposed to open two areas for the construction of offshore wind: Sandskallen-Sørøya nord, which is suitable for both floating and bottom-fixed technologies, and Utsira nord, which is only suitable for floating technologies. In addition, the government requested input on the opening of a third area: Sørlige Nordsjø II. For more information follow the link to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy here.
2018: NVE was tasked to assess potential changes that would affect the strategic impact assessment of offshore wind energy from 2012. NVE believe that there are no substantial changes of importance to revise the previous recommendations. If two areas are to be opened for offshore wind, NVE recommends Utsira nord and either Southern North Sea I or II..
2012/2013: At the turn of the year 2012/2013 the NVE prepared a strategic impact assessment for offshore wind.15 areas were investigated to uncover possible conflicts and divided the assessments into 3 categories.
2010: The Marine Energy Act came into force, and NVE prepared a proposal for study areas for offshore wind.15 possible areas were identified.
2006: Offshore wind was for the first time mentioned in a report to the parliament on Norwegian climate policy in 2006-2007, which states that a national strategy for electricity production at sea will be established.
Kilde: NVE