We are committed to:
- providing a safe and secure environment for all personnel on our plants and facilities
- preventing harm to the environment from our business activities
- conducting our business in an open, transparent and accurate manner
We do not tolerate:
- any discrimination of people on the basis of race, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, political views, national or ethnic origin or any other characteristic.
- any harassment of people, disruptions of their work performance or work environment.
- corruption in any form, including bribery and facilitation payments.
We shall:
- respect the integrity of our people and only use personal data for appropriate purposes,
- compete in a fair and ethically justifiable manner
- avoid situations that could be perceived as a conflict of interest
- protect information in our possession and ensure appropriate confidentiality
- use our IT systems and company property based on business needs
- expect our suppliers and business partners to comply with applicable laws and adhere to ethical standards which are consistent with our own
- not offer or accept gifts, except for promotional items of minimal value, or authorise anything of value or payments to public officials.
Breaches of this Code of Conduct shall be registered and reported. The Board of Directors constitutes Norsk Havvind’s ethics committee, whereas the CEO is responsible for Norsk Havvind’s ethics and compliance activities.
This Code of Conduct and any amendments to it shall be approved by the Board of Directors.